The Serial Decision Maker


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Cover for National Police Federal Credit Union

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Quick Tip!

Stretch Your Mind!

Take a Refresher Course!

Take advantage of the Credit Union’s Financial Fitness for First Responders program, an ongoing series of free financial wellness seminars specifically tailored for families in Law Enforcement.

I am going to continue to work on my own patience and tolerance and hopefully improve upon it, especially the way in which I convey it to others.
For me, everything starts with a question. Every day – and all day long for that matter - I ask questions of myself and those around me. I believe that every question has an answer. And, for me, it’s all about the answer...
Chicago Patrolmen’s Federal Credit Union was established in 1938 as a “blue shirts” organization open only to police officers on the beat. Today, the Credit Union serves officers of all ranks and their immediate family members...


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