When you think about financial goals, you tend to think about the home of your dreams or early retirement and rightly so, because the fulfillment of your financial dreams is usually one of the main reasons why you go to work in the first place.
In order to be able to fulfill your dreams, however, you must complete some steps along the way. These steps are often easy to forget, but they are vitally important for those of us who are striving for our own version of financial success.
All of these steps or financial fundamentals are key ingredients for your personal financial success and the realization of your financial dreams. The prioritization of these steps, however, will vary depending on your individual situation and the main factors that comprise it, including, but not limited to the size of your family, the level of debt you are carrying, and the extent of your financial goals.
To read this article in full, please click here.
Scott Arney
Chief Executive Officer
Chicago Patrolmen’s Federal Credit Union
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