Serial Decisions


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Quick Tip!

Stretch Your Mind!

Take a Refresher Course!

Take advantage of the Credit Union’s Financial Fitness for First Responders program, an ongoing series of free financial wellness seminars specifically tailored for families in Law Enforcement.

When you are in pursuit of a goal, are you engaged or stressed?  How you answer that question will say a lot about how much you enjoy your life and how you will rate your overall happiness.
I am not much of a handyman. I know some skilled carpenters and some gifted mechanics, and I am neither of those things.
I am a terrible golfer, but I am a willing student on the course and many of my playing partners are generous with their knowledge and their patience.
I realized at an early age that when it came to competition, I was never going to be the fastest, or the strongest, or the smartest.
Is it just me or does it seem like you cannot go one day without hearing someone talk about how passionate they are about something?  I think passion is one of the most overused and misapplied descriptions in today’s conversation and when I hear it invoked all of my alarm bells immediately sound.
I’m not usually a summer camp guy, but as luck would have it I received two summer camp invitations a couple of days ago.  They are for two different camps located on opposite sides of the same lake.  The camps will be held at the same time so if I’m going to camp this summer, I am going to have to choose one or the other.
I learned many things from the experience, starting with the fact that I needed to quickly adjust my expectations.  I went from giving motivational speeches to just hoping that my team would pay attention long enough to stop picking up sticks and pulling grass while the game was being played.
How do you go about getting the most out of every day? In my seemingly never-ending quest to answer this question, I think I have come up with at least part of the answer.
I know virtually nothing about technology, but I think I understand the concept of bandwidth.  There is a vast amount of information surrounding us and traveling electronically in every direction imaginable.  In order to send
I have a huge admiration for self-disciplined, switched on people who put forth a strong effort every day.  I very much appreciate people who hold themselves and the work they produce to a high standard, especially when


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