Serial Decisions


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Quick Tip!

Stretch Your Mind!

Take a Refresher Course!

Take advantage of the Credit Union’s Financial Fitness for First Responders program, an ongoing series of free financial wellness seminars specifically tailored for families in Law Enforcement.

Just remember that you can take a step in the right direction without exactly knowing where you are headed, but it is nearly impossible to achieve a desired result without having any idea of the steps that you took to get there.
If you are setting expectations for yourself and leading a fulfilling life, than I expect that your answer will be…greatness!
I can’t tell you what the exact right balance is here, that is for you to figure out.  I’m guessing the mix or balance of these two selves varies from person to person.
The path of least resistance is often, but not always, the easy way.
You are undoubtedly familiar with the original golden rule, “treat others as you would like them to treat you.”  I say original because the golden rule has been appropriately modified over the years to now read, “treat others as they would like to be treated.”
When you were growing up, you were probably advised on multiple occasions to respect your elders or to respect authority.  It didn’t matter if your elders were related to you or if the authority in question was a teacher, a police officer, or a doctor.
I graduated from college many years ago, 30 to be exact.  I was one of the fortunate few who knew exactly what I wanted to do for a career.  In fact, I knew from the time that I was in middle school that I wanted to work in banking.
When our kids were old enough to prioritize and young enough for my wife and I to exercise our influence over them, we simplified our parenting instructions down to one absolute order.
We have a cat.  His name is Catso.  Although he was named many years ago when our kids were much younger, his name still fits his personality.
Questions, always so many questions. The questions that are on my mind today revolve around the importance of being yourself and how much of yourself you should make known to those who are counting on you to be there for them.


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