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Serial Decisions
Either way, I am using it for positive purposes and as an additional tool in my decision-making process.  Do you think that a bit of paranoia has a positive place in your life?
A New Use for an Old Cliché
When you hear that it is time to fish or cut bait, it is time to make a decision.  Of this, I am certain.  What I am not certain of is exactly what is being decided.  I think the choice is whether to act or take more time before you act.
A New Use for an Old Cliché
Taken in that context, this is good advice.  If all you do is talk about yourself and your accomplishments, you will eventually have to get used to the sound of your own voice because no one else will want to spend time with you.
For those of you not familiar with cicadas, let me provide you with a brief introduction.
A New Use for an Old Cliché
This cliché is constantly misunderstood.  When you hear it, you are likely to think of making your bed the same way you thought of it when you were a kid; that it means you are restoring order to it by pulling up, tucking in, and generally arranging the sheets and covers after you have slept in it.  With this thought as your frame of reference, this cliché is non-sensical.  Why would anyone lie in the bed they just made?
Serial Decisions
I am drawn to the sun like the Energizer bunny is drawn to that battery of his.  I am absolutely happier when the sun is out, and I am more productive when the days (as measured by dawn to dusk) are longer. 


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