Serial Decisions


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Quick Tip!

Stretch Your Mind!

Take a Refresher Course!

Take advantage of the Credit Union’s Financial Fitness for First Responders program, an ongoing series of free financial wellness seminars specifically tailored for families in Law Enforcement.

Before we get started, please note that the title begins with an “A” not a “The” and that the rest of the title is deliberately not capitalized. This is not a thesis on “The Theory of Evolution” nor is it even an alternative view on the subject.
I am a terrible golfer, but I am a willing student on the course and many of my playing partners are generous with their knowledge and their patience.
When it comes to my martinis, I prefer them to be shaken. When it comes to my emotions, I’ll take stirred over shaken anytime.
If you’re lucky, you have your own version of my mother-in-law in your family. If not, maybe you can be the one who leads by example. You may even find a little more holiday spirit along the way!
The summer after I turned 10 I decided it was time to go to work. I was on the swim team so the first place I sought employment was at the pool where I was already spending a lot of time.
Adversity surrounds us, perhaps more so than at any other time in our history or at least since World War II.  It permeates virtually every aspect of our lives and in a seemingly endless variety of forms.
In case you haven’t noticed, most of the world surrounding you is moving toward or already using a goal oriented, incentive based system.  The reason is simple…it works.
No one has time to read the small print and even if you have the time, you don’t want to spend it reading through the legalese covering an otherwise uninteresting subject matter. 
It means that yesterday may or may not have gone according to plan.  Yesterday may have been a good day or a bad day or somewhere in between.


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