Mental Fitness

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Serial Decisions
The summer after I turned 10 I decided it was time to go to work. I was on the swim team so the first place I sought employment was at the pool where I was already spending a lot of time.
Serial Decisions
Adversity surrounds us, perhaps more so than at any other time in our history or at least since World War II.  It permeates virtually every aspect of our lives and in a seemingly endless variety of forms.
Serial Decisions
In case you haven’t noticed, most of the world surrounding you is moving toward or already using a goal oriented, incentive based system.  The reason is simple…it works.
Serial Decisions
No one has time to read the small print and even if you have the time, you don’t want to spend it reading through the legalese covering an otherwise uninteresting subject matter. 
Group 764 (1)
Ralph is trying to learn how to play golf so that he can impress his new boss.  Ed is assisting him by reading from an instruction manual and they are both trying to figure out what addressing the ball means.  Ed lines up to demonstrate.
Serial Decisions
It means that yesterday may or may not have gone according to plan.  Yesterday may have been a good day or a bad day or somewhere in between.
Many years ago, my wife and I lived in England.  One of our favorite places to visit, while we lived there, was the Tower of London.  It is full of 1,000 years of history and every time we went, I learned something new.
Do you create your own limitations?  If you do, you have a lot of company.  Maybe you have made a habit of convincing yourself that you will not be up to the task at hand.  Perhaps you are worried about looking foolish in your pursuit of a dream or an idea. Maybe you think you lack the confidence or the requisite skill set to achieve success. 


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