Mental Fitness

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Serial Decisions
I graduated from college many years ago, 30 to be exact.  I was one of the fortunate few who knew exactly what I wanted to do for a career.  In fact, I knew from the time that I was in middle school that I wanted to work in banking.
Serial Decisions
When our kids were old enough to prioritize and young enough for my wife and I to exercise our influence over them, we simplified our parenting instructions down to one absolute order.
Serial Decisions
We have a cat.  His name is Catso.  Although he was named many years ago when our kids were much younger, his name still fits his personality.
Serial Decisions
Questions, always so many questions. The questions that are on my mind today revolve around the importance of being yourself and how much of yourself you should make known to those who are counting on you to be there for them.
Serial Decisions
Oblivion prevents you from even considering who you are or how you may be perceived. 
Serial Decisions
I am going to continue to work on my own patience and tolerance and hopefully improve upon it, especially the way in which I convey it to others.
Serial Decisions
I am not a doctor nor do I play one on television. I do make it a point to constantly observe and pay attention to those around me, however, and based on what I have witnessed, I am confident that the following statement is accurate.
Serial Decisions
When asked this question, I’d be willing to bet that most of you would answer by stating what you think others think you are. Even though that isn’t what the question asks, let’s start there.
Serial Decisions
The question. Of all forms of human communication, it is perhaps the most difficult to convey properly, the hardest to balance, and possibly the most misunderstood between the parties who are trying to send and receive information.


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